Monday, July 27, 2009

Bad Timing

Danie Frederickson
As harshly as Greenway accuses Obama for not achieving his hopes in the article, Bad Timing, the assumptions of failure may be rash. “So far, however, Obama has failed on two important fronts.” This statement is highly disagreeable. Failure happens when one throws in the towel before accomplishing their set goals. Obama has not thrown in the towel, stopped his meetings with Netanyahu or Saudi Arabia. It could be compromised on the fact that Obama has faced some hurdles on his way to the finish line, however to use the word failure is a destructive mindset on negotiations. Most negotiations, in fact, are not made without obstacles. Saudi Arabia has their own set of priorities as well as Palestine and without Obama in there influencing things could have gone down hill faster than we could comprehend it.

An element of stance in an op-ed is always admired, however is there a boundary in which something is done tastefully? In truth, the answer is yes. Greenways style of writing is meant to sway an audience to one end of the spectrum or another. While respecting this genius, I disagree. I felt his rights of free speech were taken a little too far with his accusations of failure toward the president of the United States. No, Obama has not had a super-hero-moment but that is not what this globe actually consists of. The media presents society with negatively glamorous shots of different political figures. When reality comes down to the nitty gritty that is not how the earth orbits.

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