Sunday, January 31, 2010


Once, freshman year, my teacher asked for a hi five. Five students simultaneously stretched out their arm to smack his hand against theirs. In a sudden reaction, he pulled away and screamed, "What are you trying to do, give me full blown AIDs?". It was this particular teachers witty way of conveying HIV that impacted most of the students in the classroom. Although it was part of a practical joke, it hit home that if we are not cautious about who we interact with we might be infected with HIV.

This argument serves two purposes, to plant the fear of disease into us, and to keep students abstinant. However, when does the message get monotnous? When do people start realizing that maybe less is more and that we may be getting this message a little too often for our well being. The sensitive topic of AIDs has been exoplored in every aspect of media and in schools. Why is the idea that the subject is becoming to common to be effective? Honestly, it really is. Teenagers, adults and the elderly are not going to pause and think, "Hm, will I get AIDs?". They are either going to give in to their hormonal needs or they are not. Pushing the subject on society is not going to make it better.

Moreover, it is not Americans who should be worried about the small statstical chance of aquiring this disease, it is Afrians. Not African-Americans, the people who are currently residing on the continent of Africa. It is there that the overwhelming statistics of AIDs comes from. If you would like, I am sure SONY would be glad to be part of an awarness program that aired AIDs commercials on SONY televisions wheeled in by the loving Americans to teach Africans about their future. First off, it isn't a pleasent future when it can actually happen. The chances for an American to get AIDs are slim. Yes, it can happen, but not to the extent that they make it seem like.

Overall it would be wiser to advertise for boy's to keep it in their pants and girl's to close their legs then to advertise AIDs. Then, all at once you can prevent pregnancy, disease, heartache, and depression. Wow, I might go pitch that idea to Fox it seems like it could make me millions. The essay we read in class this week on AIDs just made me realize that Americans in general run off of extremes. Extreme diets, extreme weightloss, extreme prefection, extreme goals, and the list goes on and on. The one thing we, as Americans, are lacking is extreme happiness. Most of us strive for extreme happiness however, few of us actually land upon something worthwhile that will sustain our happiness. For now, I suppose people will keep taking risks, including the risk of AIDs, in their blind search of happiness.

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