Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jon and Kate's Mistake

An opinion- editorial writer for The New York Times Gail Collins focuses on the downfalls of fertility treatments and reality shows about day-to-day lives of any family in her article. She uses the Gosselin family-most well known for their show “Jon & Kate plus Eight”- as a prime example of the effects of fertility treatments and reality shows. She explains that the viewers of these shows are drawn in to see how something will workout-in the Gosselins’ case: having sextuplets and twins. I am in full agreement with Collins when she states that these families who put themselves out there like that are not allowed to complain about the downside.

Collins uses examples of previous cases that did not work out as a sign to others the negative side of reality. She expands on Jon and Kate’s situation with the media to back up her argument of reality shows and fertility treatments being two of the new millennium’s 10 worst ideas. Collins uses a “you got what you were asking for” view when writing this article instead of choosing a side or trying to stick up for the family. At the end of the article Collins reassures the Gosselins that they will keep a place in history by having a spot in list of Ten Worst Multiple-Birth-Reality-Show-Meltdowns-of-the-Millennium.

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