Monday, June 1, 2009

Op-Ed Entry One

Danie Frederickson
AP Op-Ed Entry One

The remarkable strides Obama is taking to fulfill his promise to cut-down green house gas emissions nationally is only a small stepping stone in the long pebble road towards global repair. “The Earth Wins One,” an insightful editorial article from the New York Times published on May 20th 2009, discusses the complexities of global warming. It discusses Obama’s optimistic plans of helping the nation reduce vehicle emissions. The President has set an admirable goal: by the end of year 2016, all automotive companies will have to have a minimum average fuel efficiency of 35.5 miles per gallon in all of their vehicles. Although this puts increasing pressure on automotive companies to come out with the most innovative engines and fuel-efficient technologies, reaching this target will advance the nation’s progress in cutting down global warming. “With this deal, America also wins back a bit of energy independence. But the biggest winner could be the atmosphere,” says the column.
This particular author, in my personal opinion, could have taken more personally approach and incorporated a firm stance about the subject’s benefit or absurdity. The editorial often felt purely fact based as opposed to the more embellished opinionated editorial writers. This editorial often felt ridged and vacant. Relating to this article was often difficult. Without strong background knowledge of the issue, it would be nice for the author to give the facts presented meaning by adding a personal interpretation and opinion.

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