Sunday, April 25, 2010


Globalization has been around for ages, but just recently has it been getting more and more acknowledgement. With the usage of the Internet, it is far easier to get connected with other cultures around the world. What exactly is globalization? According to, globalization is “is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.” There are several positive aspects to globalization; however, there are also negative aspects too. I have yet to figure out what stance I will take for this argument. It seems that my vote could go either way. I guess now is a good time to dig a little deeper in my research. I am not sure if there is a right or wrong side to globalization, though.

One positive outcome from globalization is that money is going to developing countries. This gives a greater chance for those people living in those countries to succeed economically, as well as help the way of life become well off than before. Since more money is being brought in, the developing countries can now start to spend time helping the people living in these countries. Developing countries are also able to have the current technology without having to go through the trouble in going through the time and money to develop the technology. Also, there is now a sense of competition going on between countries. This encourages creativity, and opens up to new ideas. This also helps keep the prices of goods and services relatively low because other countries do not want to be put out of business, in a way. Since more and more countries are able to communicate, official governments are finding easier, better ways to communicate back and forth with each other. They can now work things out easier because there is an improved ability to interact and communicate. Also, I find it pretty cool how now everyone can experience what other people in different countries experience. I think it is cool that we can witness and have access to other forms of culture. I like the fact that we have options.

On the other hand, there seems to be several negative aspects to globalization. For example, globalization leads to the outsourcing of jobs. While it provides jobs in one country, it gets rid of jobs from another country. Under Clinton, NAFTA was created. This allowed the trade barriers for the USA, Canada, and Mexico to go away so there wouldn’t be a tax on trade. As an outcome of NAFTA, the USA started closing down factories in the USA and moved them down to Mexico. That way, the companies were spending less on employees. This then causes the former employees in the US jobless. Another negative aspect that some people argue about is the fact that globalization erases the individuality of each individual country. People claim that because of globalization, they unique culture is going away. Right now, I feel as if globalization is a good thing because we are connecting around the world, and we are just bridging a gap that will help make us one.


  1. I totally agree with this blog!
    Globalization is generally a good thing. There aren't terribly negative aspects to the ordeal, but there are some. For instance, the individuality in some parts of the world diminish.
    I like the reference to the creation of NAFTA. It does cause some people to be jobless in the homeland, but in other countries, the available jobs sky rocket. So maybe, there is a balance between the two. The spending on employees decreasing isn't a bad thing. This just increases the profit of large businesses. Money is always a good thing; I don't think you could ever have enough.

    Good blog! I enjoyed it. It was very parallel to mine and probably a lot others!!! I don't think one can be totally AGAINST globalization.

  2. There are two fundamental problems that I see in this journal. First is that it seems like you are trying to fit in words to reach 500 with those ambiguous phrases that this essay could do without (“I have yet to figure…” I am not sure…”). Second is that I think you are confusing the definition of globalization. It seem that your whole essay hinges on the assumption that globalization produces oversea jobs, oversea aid, etc; hence the economic benefits and negative. However, the definition that you quoted indicates that the globalization is “a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology”. This means that globalization is a product to business migration and economic aid, not the other way around. I think what you are talking about it “economic globalization” which to an extent is related, but still needs the fundamental integration of ideology to function.
